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Ingenious Power Engineering

An interconnected mesh of nodes

Renewable and Future Networks



The future and our joint commitment to preserving the planet has placed renewable energy and the management of electrical networks high on the agenda of not only generators and distributors, but also the everyday consumer.

Understanding the changes within the electrical sphere and the unyielding demand for power, advances in technology, the adjustment in society’s lifestyle psyche and the weight of movement behind the green agenda – the move to a more earth preservation centric school of thought is no longer the preserve of the academia.

The introduction of low carbon networks; STOR, demand site response facilities, the continued growth of electric vehicles are just some of the technologies changing the power landscape. When you add this to the new financial models, trading platforms and commercial contracting opportunities, it is easy to see why detailed thinking is required. Our renewable and future networks’ consultancy considers so much more, exploring variables and challenging input assumptions rigorously to ensure the most savvy of solutions are developed to help you inform your decision-making process and give you the cutting edge.

How we can help

Whether you are integrating assets into your existing infrastructure, creating new networks, improving existing performance or developing long term strategic plans, Ingenious can help you.

Contact us


Call: +44 (0)333 577 3252

From our experience, we can genuinely say that Ingenious are a fantastic partner for utility infrastructure solutions, even more than this, they go much further to deliver real solutions.
Calvin Jackson,
Scheme Project Manager,
Network Rail

Consultancy expertise

From renewables and future networks, to project management. Bring our expertise to your projects.