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Ingenious Power Engineering

Ingenious Power Engineering at work

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging


Connecting EV Charging Points

As we transition from fossil fuel powered vehicles to electric, the surge in demand for electric vehicle charging points (EVCP), for both domestic and commercial drivers has grown exponentially. We acknowledge that it is a minefield and decisions are complicated by the plethora of options.

We help guide your through the maze and help you understand the implications associated with each of the options. Whilst we understand the importance of value, our clients often come to us with the stark realisation that the finance incentives alone should not be the sole driver when selecting the right solution for their vehicular requirements.

We are here to help you pick the right solution and get it built quickly, so you can focussing on enjoying the benefits of driving an electric vehicle and contributing to the preservation of our planet.

Enquiry form

Tell us a little about your project. Once you've submitted the form a member of our team will be in touch to help you.

Is this for home or business?

Your information

Once you have completed this form, a member of our team will be in touch with you. We never share the data from this form with third parties without first getting your permission.

They carefully managed some of the interposing positions from different stakeholders, better still, they were able to build healthy relationships with the public, many of whom had their livelihood impacted by some of the essential work, no mean feat!
Calvin Jackson,
Scheme Project Manager,
Network Rail

New Connection services

From a small single connection to a new substation, we take full responsibility for your new connection.