Owners of a historic north London site formerly famed as a film studio had signed up a new tenant with significant power requirements.
This globally-recognised client operates ‘ghost kitchens’ powering thousands of food deliveries daily.

This new facility – a huge commercial kitchen – would operate round-the-clock. Energy demands were huge – and the building’s small substation was insufficient to meet them.
The heat was on.
When ghost kitchens need electrifying, who you gonna call?
Ingenious Power Engineering (IPE) was appointed to design and install electrical infrastructure flexible to the inevitably increasing demands of this busy catering space – and the changing needs of other tenants.
Our role
- Liaising with multiple stakeholders including site owner and utility providers to fully understand thorough structural and environmental requirements and implications.
- Working with tenants and facilities management experts to monitor, analyse and forecast energy requirements to provide the best possible electrical infrastructure.
- Manage planning permission process for changing the new unit’s Use Class to a catering establishment.
- Design substation and diversions to connect and maintain uninterrupted supplies to existing tenants.
- Remove undersized 500kVA substation and install 1.25MVA substation.
- Connect adjacent buildings from client’s LV panel in BNO arrangement, supporting metering arrangements.
- Manage civils (including excavation, backfill, reinstatement, substation foundation construction). The site is located on a busy industrial estate. We minimised inconvenience to building users and neighbours with a detailed traffic management strategy.
The required electrical infrastructure was designed and installed on time and budget.
Disruption was kept to a minimum and the wider industrial estate continued to operate smoothly throughout the project.
Our client was delighted with the results and has since appointed IPE to work on other exciting electrical infrastructure projects.
We were impressed how Ingenious Power Engineering completed the design and installation of electrical infrastructure against challenging timeframes and in a difficult space. That convinced us to work with the company on future projects.