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Ingenious Power Engineering

Ingenious Power Engineering at work



Substation Design, Build and Connection

We design and build private and adopted substations. Whether it be a 11kVA secondary substation or a 132KVA primary our attention to detail and commitment to safety and quality are unprecedented.

Every stage of the process, from design through to delivery is scrutinised for opportunities to continually improve the developed solution and keep us sharp.

Our ability to design and build substations within tight timescales and challenging parameters makes Ingenious one of the leading substation design and build companies in the UK. From the quality of our engineering design through to our tradesmen, we ensure whoever the adopting entity may be, that they have complete peace of mind and an asset that will perform as designed for its’ entire lifespan.

Enquiry form

Tell us a little about your project. Once you've submitted the form a member of our team will be in touch to help you.

Your information

Once you have completed this form, a member of our team will be in touch with you. We never share the data from this form with third parties without first getting your permission.

They carefully managed some of the interposing positions from different stakeholders, better still, they were able to build healthy relationships with the public, many of whom had their livelihood impacted by some of the essential work, no mean feat!
Calvin Jackson,
Scheme Project Manager,
Network Rail

New Connection services

From a small single connection to a new substation, we take full responsibility for your new connection.