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Ingenious Power Engineering

An interconnected mesh of nodes

Project Management



We see project management differently, more than just the prerequisite Gant charts, and budget management, we believe our creative, proactive approach to project management will identify opportunities to improve programme efficiencies and resolve issues which may arise during the delivery of the project.

Through detailed planning at the earliest possible stages, close monitoring and a culture of peer to peer challenging, we are focused on enhancing the delivery of every project we manage on behalf of our clients.

This service includes:

  • Project Planning and rationalisation
  • Budget management and optimisation
  • Engineering management
  • Supervision of installation and commissioning
  • Handover transitioning and remedials management for full closure to client requirements and appropriate specifications

Our engineers have played a key role in some of the most challenging projects both domestically and internationally. Leading the team or supporting the client’s in-house engineers, in all cases we have played an integral role and have produced tangible benefits for our clients.

Contact us


Call: +44 (0)333 577 3252

From our experience, we can genuinely say that Ingenious are a fantastic partner for utility infrastructure solutions, even more than this, they go much further to deliver real solutions.
Calvin Jackson,
Scheme Project Manager,
Network Rail

Consultancy expertise

From renewables and future networks, to project management. Bring our expertise to your projects.